GA Literature
A stock of GA literature and medallions is kept for purchase and distribution to all GA groups in SA.
This book is the centerpiece of Gamblers Anonymous literature. Chapter 1 starts with looking at compulsion and compulsive gambling, defining the disease concept and dispelling the moral deficiency concept. Other chapters cover the many, many tools of GA - from meetings to Pressure Relief to 12 Step work. Also included are stories from compulsive gamblers including the founder of our fellowship, Jim W. There is extensive work also included from Dr. Robert L. Custer, a foremost expert on compulsive gambling as well as a great benefactor (in knowledge and spiritual support) of GA.
The Red Book of GA is an extension of our big book. In this book, a member and a group may find more detailed guidance on both personal recovery and group functionality. The Recovery and Unity steps are presented in more detail, for example. Our service structure is explained to a greater degree along with its responsibilities. And, just as in the Big Book, there is an international collection of personal stories.
These daily reflections and prayers offer us hope, support, and guidance throughout the year. It also addresses the issues and fears often faced by those of us in recovery.
The Combo Book
Designed as an introduction to Gamblers Anonymous as well as the Recovery and Unity Programs. Is the most widely used piece of literature GA has, as it is read at almost all GA groups. Also, this is generally given freely to newcomers, to help them understand what GA is about. Contains the 20 Questions on pages 15 and 16.
Towards 90 days
This booklet is designed to help a compulsive gambler through the early days in the Fellowship. Contained within these pages, one will find practical advice that has been tried and tested down through the years by many compulsive gamblers. Also included within this booklet is an introduction to Gam-Anon, for those significant others involved with a compulsive gambler.
Beyond 90 days
This booklet is for those who have been in the Fellowship more than 90 days - in some cases for many years. On the road of recovery, many obstacles confront compulsive gamblers. This booklet tries to confront some of those obstacles.